A lot has happened in the month and a half that I've been back. We finished our 23rd day of Preschool yesterday, and I absolutely love it! I have thirty sweet little kids who already amaze me with how quickly they learn.
Along with the joys come many challenges. In Preschool, we truly start from the beginning. Many of these kids had never seen a pencil or crayon before they came to Sonlight. They don't know how to hold scissors or cut paper. We have to teach them everything. And let me tell you, giving scissors to thirty three-year-olds (who have no idea how to use them) has become one of the scariest experiences of. my. life. You may laugh, but I'm serious. :) In addition to all of that, these kids don't speak English. After the last few weeks, they have memorized the simple phrases we have taught them, but the language barrier is huge. Not only do they not understand me, but my Creole is still pretty limited, so I don't understand many of the things that they tell me, either.
So we are learning Preschool together, one day at a time. And as hard as it is, it is good. So good. Though this part of the year is incredibly difficult, I know that through God's grace it will get better and better.
Last week I started teaching music in 2nd through 5th grades, which I am incredibly excited about! The kids are eager to learn, and they LOVE to sing and dance. However, teaching music is also proving to be a challenge. Since it is a new program, I am creating the curriculum on my own. Trying to experiment and find what works, adjusting, and teaching looks a little bit different for each grade. So again, I find myself learning with the students, but having a lot of fun while doing so!
Despite the difficulties, God is doing amazing things, and I am learning a lot about being flexible! Prayers are greatly needed and appreciated, especially as I'm going through this challenging season in my time here. Thank you!