Saturday, March 9, 2013

A pre-Haiti post

    Although I'm in Haiti now, I wrote this in the Miami airport, during the layover before my flight to Port-au-Prince. I thought I would share it, for those of you who don't know how all this came to be. How an eighteen year old girl, with nothing to offer but faith in an amazing God, has moved to a third world country to teach 31 first graders. Sounds crazy, right? I still can't believe it's my life.
   A little over a year ago, I visited Haiti for the first time. After getting over the initial culture shock, I fell in love. I spent a week at Sonlight Academy, in Port-de-Paix. Helping teach preschool, playing games during recess, visiting an orphanage, taxi rides, little kids shouting "Blan! Blan! Blan!" as we walked by--I loved it all. If my parents hadn't insisted I come home to finish high school, I might have just stayed.
   Ever since I left, I'd been praying for an opportunity to go back. I was hoping to make another week long trip in March, but I didn't feel a definite 'yes' or 'no' from God. I most certainly did not plan on moving there to teach this year.
   On January 7th, I found out that Stephen and Beth Puricelli (missionaries from our church) were leaving Sonlight in March. My sister Mackenzie suggested that I should go teach first grade for Beth. I laughed, and promptly put that thought out of my head. Later that evening, it came back. "What if...?" Again, I pushed the thought from my mind. Although I did hope to go back someday, I had decided that I wasn't going to apply for a full time position for another year or two. God, however, apparently did not take my decision into account.
When I woke up the next morning, there was an email in my inbox from Sonlight, asking if I'd be interested in taking Beth's place. I immediately ran downstairs to show my parents. Although we were surprised, we decided to pray about it, and to go ahead and send my application in to Sonlight. Then we waited to see if God would open the door. He did. On January 11th, it became official: I was going back.
   Six weeks later, here I am. God has taken care of everything. From clothes, to plane tickets, to fundraising, He's been there every step of the way.  My wonderful church family had a fundraiser and prayer send-off for me, and I have a ton of cards and letters to read when I get to Haiti. In just a few days, I'll be learning how to teach and take care of 31 first graders. I am so humbled, and so incredibly thankful. I feel blessed beyond measure to have so many people supporting me and cheering me on.
   I'll be honest: I'm nervous. There will be a lot to learn quickly, and I'm not sure I'm ready. But I'm also excited. And really, this isn't about me or my abilities. It's about His glory. God called me to this, and He will help me see it through. I will not be able to do this on my own, I would never be ready in my own strength. But I don't have to be.  Because my life is His, and He is in me. I may be unprepared, but He is not. He is bigger than cancelled flights, nerves, homesickness, culture shock, illness, and anything and everything else I may face.
   I am so excited to see what the next three months will bring. Thank you to everyone who is keeping me in their prayers, I couldn't do this without you!

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